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neck pain and headaches
9/23 17:35:29

I had a MRI 8/2007, I have chronic neck stiffness and pain in neck and upper shoulder area, also have always had headaches, severe at times, they are also increasing in frequency, waking in morning with moderate to severe migraines. had 5 views of cervical spine normal vertebral body aligment C1-T1. moderate disc space narrowing is present C4-5,C5-6 & C6-7. Osteophytes projec into the bilateral foramina at the C4-5,C5-6 &C6-7. am 55 yrs old and headaches are just about everyday thing now. please explain

Hi Jean,

Your MRI findings may be linked to to your chronic neck stiffness and daily headaches. Your MRI suggests that you have Degenerative Disc Disease in your neck and this is a form of arthritis. Because the joints in your neck are not moving as well as they should, the muscles in your neck and shoulders have to work a lot harder and this can cause muscle pain. You also have nerves in your neck that come from your spinal cord and when those nerves do not have enough room to pass through because of osteophytes, you can also be left with neck pain and headaches.

Have you tried any therapy for your neck pain and headaches?

Dr. Liza

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