QuestionYeah I have a crushed vertebra from 13 years ago. It happened in a car accident. I believe it was a thoracic #5 vertebra but Im not sure as it was so long ago. The docs never did anything to fix it and said it would heal on its own. But for the past few months my back has been hurting above the middle of my back, around that area. Also, would that be related to occasional throbbing bone pain that happens in my forearm, hands, legs, or knees?
There is a good chance that this is all related to the injuries sustained from the car accident. But, the only way for me to know for sure is to do an exam and possibly even take some pictures of your spine to see what is going on there.
If you can get to St Louis, I can run the tests myself, if not send me your location and I can find someone for you that can help you.
Again, I repeat that there is a good chance that I or one of my colleagues would be able to help you but would have to see you to know for sure.
Yours in Best Health,
Dr Arnone