QuestionI have been suffering low back pain for over 2.5 years now.
I am a 19 year old male in good condition. I am unable to
pinpoint a specific injury or event that triggered my pain.
Daily i would rate it a 6 or 7 on a 10 scale. I have seen a
spine surgeon, three different chiropractors, two pain
specialists a massage therapist and a acupuncturist. I have
been given a TENS unit and do hot/cold therapy for short
term relief. From all of this my condition hasn't improved
at all. The MRI and xrays have come back negative with the
only thing some doctors pointed to was an extra vertebrae
in my back (L6 i think). I have no history of back problems
or other health problems in general. The pain tends to
favor the lower right portion of my back aswell. I have an
appointment with a neurologist after new years but after
that i feel like i am out of options. I have done so much
physical therapy with no results i'm beginning to give up
hope of living comfortably pain free (or even with pain at manageable levels). My parents want me to go to the mayo
clinic in phoenix. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Of the 3 Chiropractors that you went to, did any of them take nervous system readings to see where the problem could be?
Did any of them take nervous system readings to know when there was a need to adjust?
Did any of them take readings to know when not to adjust?
Did all 3 adjust you on every visit?
Did all 3 adjust you up and down your entire spine on every visit?
The reason that I am asking you these questions is that more than likely you are a chiropractic case, however, if you went to chiropractors that are not practicing the Specific then you may have just gone to the wrong doctors.
The problem with the neurologist is that they are not able to locate and pinpoint the cause, and also they cannot correct the cause. They can prescribe drugs which are harmful and don't correct the cause and they may send you to Physical Therapy to do stretches and exercises that are good for you, but again do not correct the cause, when that fails you then you will be sent for surgery which again does not address the cause, so you are left in trouble if not worse when it is all over.
Please do not give up hope just yet, there is a possible answer for you.
Do you have any X-rays (MRI) of the Cervical Spine that you could send me to look at? and the Lumbar Spine as well?
If I can look at your pictures, then I could give you a much better idea of if I can help you.
what part of the country are you located in?
You can send any pics via email to:
Yours in Best Health,
Dr Arnone