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left leg and arm pain
9/23 17:34:59

I put my back out last year and had 2 pinch nerves in my neck and lower back...After that I experienced alot of muscle spasms in my back and neck (left side) and had to take the spasms are gone and I have this aching in my left arm (inner part) and left leg (below the knee mostly in ankle)Feels warm and tight and very uncomfortable! It comes and goes mostly when Im sitting.....could this be related or should I be getting this checked? And if known what should I be questioning?

Dear Kristi,

Yes this could be related...the areas of discomfort follow known dermatomal pain maps.  Dermatomes are an area of skin that is supplied sensation by a particular nerve root off the spine.  So if there is irritation to the nerve root or peripheral nerve, then you may feel pain away from the source down the arm or leg.  

The nerves that supply sensation to the inner part of the upper arm are C8, T1, and T2.  The nerves that supply sensation to the lower leg near the ankles are: L4 to the inner portion, and L5 to the outer portion, S1 down the back of the ankle into the bottom of the foot.

That being stated, this could also be totally unrelated to your previous condition.  The best way to know for sure is with a functional neurological examination of the areas of complaint to check your sensory responses to light touch, vibration, hot and cold...and with regional orthopedic tests in the neck and low back to see if the symptoms can be made more prominent while stressing the joints and nerve roots in those areas.  The best two physicians to perform these types of exams are chiropractors and orthopedists due to their training in musculoskeletal medicine.

I would suggest that you monitor your symptoms for a little longer and see where that takes you, as this may be nothing at all.  If they get worse at all, change so that you are having sharp pain, numbness/tingling, or you have any loss of strength into the arms of need to have that checked out immediately.  IF your symptoms don't get better or worse, then you should still have it checked out at that point.  Good Luck.

Dr. J. Shawn Leatherman

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