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Work injury
9/23 17:34:15

QUESTION: Hello doctor Im 17 and have a very sore back for a long time but in the last 7 months every time a take a deep breath my back cracks and i have a sharp pain on the right side of my spine that travels from the bottom to the top getting more sharp the farther it goes up. In the mornings and nights it is so stiff i can barley move. I have my friends crack my back (i know it isn't good but it helps take a away the stiffness for a while). When it cracks it makes a very loud pops louder than normal cracking then stiffens back up in 20mins what could this be? thnks

ANSWER: Hello Tyler;

The cracking you are feeling is due to hinges in your body that are being moved further than normal for some reason. You mentioned a work injury in your heading, but no history of it in your explanation.  What exactly happened?

The cracking you hear is the hinges of your body, and the nerves that surround the hinges of your joints relay information about that joint to the brain, with messages that inhibit pain.  Someties that lasts only 20 minutes at best.

When your friends crack your back, they aren't doing you any favors.  Ususally they move the most movebale bones in your body, creating hypermobile segments.  It will crack there all the time, and lead to arthritis.  DON"T Do THIS ANYMORE!  

Chiropractors go to school for years to learn how to do correctly what you are allowing your friends to do.  Do they fly your planes and buses when you get on board?  I hope not!!  

Go see a chiropractor immediately...your problem is right up their alley.  If it doesn't work out write me back.  Dr. Peter Carr, Seattle

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: i think this is caused by lifting heavy tires and pipes at my job some times i think it is more than i can but i do it any way and my back is just getting worse that is the work injury

Given the nature of your work, it could very well be a work injury.  There must be some kind of workers protection program where you live; I would definitely recommend researching it, and going to see a chiropractor to get yourself checked out.  Do you want me to look for someone to see for you?  I would go to

Thanks for your patience!

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