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spinal decompression
9/23 17:34:09

I have a large based disc bulge L5/S1. I have had 9 decompression sessions. My footdrop is gone and the feeling to my great toe is coming back, slowly. However, today I am getting tingling sensation of the web between my great toe and second toe on my OTHER foot. I am not having any pain. I haven't had pain since my 4th session. Now I am so worried that my L5 nerve root is becoming compressed again because of the tingling in the left foot. I don't see the doctor until wednesday and I am really nervous about this. Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Spinal decompression is not for everybody.  It works well on people who have minimal injuries and are need of some stretching and loosening of the soft tissues.
However, people with serious conditions have structural underlying damage from subluxation and decompression does not correct the subluxation so it does not correct the cause of these particular problems.  Like many other modalities, it may help a person to feel better temporarily but does nothing for them long term.
So, if you have a disc bulge for instance, yes the decompression relieves the tension on the disc, but for how long?  This is not a permanent solution, are you going to get these done every single day for 15-30 minutes per day?  Probably not, so it will not be enough, and better yet, even if you were able to have it done that often, then it would be too much because it actually weakens the soft tissue in the area over time.
My experience with this is that it is another high priced gadget that does not get sick people well.  I am only interested in what I can do as a doctor to help sick people get well, regardless of what they were diagnosed with, and that is exactly what I am doing.  Needless to say, I do not have a decompression unit in my office.
Yours in Best Health,
Dr Robert Arnone
Upper Cervical Specific Doctor
"Brainstem Specialist"
711 Old Ballas Road
Creve Coeur, MO 63141

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