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Back Pain....
9/23 17:34:03

I am a healthy 31yo, just recently very slightly over weight. Always had back issues! was born upside down along with other problems with my back. Have seen chiropractors, physiotherapists etc....
Recently though my back aches beyond belief, especially when i sleep for over 7 hours (not often... enough!) or sit for periods of time. Mostly in the lower back but one disk in the lower back especially. Know one seems to be able to help me... Would appreciate any information you might be able to give me.

Dear Genevieve,

Long standing back problems seem to be a common complaint in the population, but this is usually due to the fact that the original source of pain has not been properly identified.  The fact that you were born "upside down" (I assume you mean in the breech position) really has no bearing on the pain that you are experiencing now.

If the disc is the source of pain, I would recommend that you seek out the care of a chiropractor who has Cox Flexion/Distraction or decompression therapy...these are specifically targeted for disc problems.  Otherwise you may just need to get a few m ore opinions/examinations aimed in targeting the source.  

Make sure that you check the credentials of the doctors that you are choosing to make sure that they are proficient in musculoskeletal diagnosis...I would suggest chiropractic physicians or medical doctors who have specifically trained in sports injury as they often are better diagnosticians...they want the athletes back to play as soon as possible and this means they need to eliminate pain and initiate healing quickly.

Hope this helps Genevieve.

Dr. Shawn Leatherman

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