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symphysis pubis
9/23 17:33:53

i have just had a mri scan on my pelvic area. i had pain in my right groin then after a couple of days my left groin was hurting aswell. then the front of my thighs started hurting aswell. also at the same time my lower back( bottom of spine) was hurting. when i got the results back they told my that there is a mild oedema seen both sides of the symphysis pubis,worse on the left. i was wondering what can i do to make it better as quick as possible because i am training to go into the army. also i was wondering is there any surgery i can have that will make it better permantley. many thanks Gary


It seems silly of me to ask, but I'd imagine that you ruled out a hernia as the cause of your pain, correct? I'd imagine that the docs didn't know what was causing your pain, and did the MR just to help diagnose you.  

The symphysis pubis is where the two pelvic bones meet in the front of the body... I'm sure that you have Googled that, as well, but in the States we spell it edema.  Are you British? Oz?

Can you help me out and further describe your pain?  is it a 10/10?  Do you feel it more when you lift or bear down?  More in the morning? Evening?  Does the pain go into your testicles?  Anything make it better or worse?  All these answers will help.

As for the hernia, it would get worse when or after you lift, and the best way to diagnose it would be ultrasound.   Please message me back and I can give you some better answers.

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