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 Bone Health > Question and Answer > Pain and Symptoms > Back and Neck Injury > headache due to bachache
headache due to bachache
9/23 17:33:45

QUESTION: I have acute spinal stenosis in L4 and L5. I am currently getting PT but the pain
radiates to my head. My doctor suggested I take a few drops of Prozac Elixir on
my tongue to help them go away. I haven't started yet, but wondered about your
opinion and if you think it's a good trial?

ANSWER: Hello, Maria,

Prozac will do nothing to alleviate the muscular contractions that cause the pain to radiate to your head, though it may relieve your distress at having the headaches.  Muscular contractions along the spine and/or neck cause most headaches. Relief from muscular contractions is what you need.

May I suggest you read the article on headaches at and follow the suggestions given, there.

You may also wish to read the articles on back pain and back pain terms on that page.

with regard,
Lawrence Gold

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Your website is extremely helpful. However, my question is, what do you
mean by relief from muscular contractions is what I need?  I have tried
NSAIDS for pain and Flexeril and Robaxin, all of which make me sick. so if you
agree the Prozac may relieve my distress at having headaches, are you
suggesting this "relief" I need will come from somatic exercises, such as
going in the pool and massage ? You were extremely intelligent and helpful.
Thank you...Maria

Hi, Maria,

Massage and/or going to the pool are not somatic exercises.

For perspective, you might read my article on massage at and my articles on somatic exercises at

For a sample of instructions for a somatic exercise, see

Lawrence Gold

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