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neck back injury
9/23 17:33:36

I was jumping off the diving board high dive at the public pool and on the fifth dive i came out of the water and my neck immediatly hurt and was stiff. I could only move it from side to side slightly without it hurting. Basically range of motion was very limited.  The next day it still hurt but range of motion was much better. I however hear a clicking sound when i turn my head from right to left. The sound is in the same place everytime and is at thebase of my skull i think or very high on my spine.  Is this something to be worried about and what should I do?

Probably not, but I wouldn't let it go unaddressed if it does not resolve or improve over the next week. Most cases of clicking, or crepitus, is normal and usually pain-free. If there is pain associated with the clicking sound, I suggest you get it evaluated immediately. If it simply makes the sound, but your range of motion is normal and you don't experience any pain or other unusual symptoms, it's probably not anything to be concerned about.

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