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bilateral sacroileitis
9/23 17:33:34

I have been diagnosed with bilateral sacroileitis. What kind of exercise can I engage in? Would using an elliptic bike be harmful for my condition?

Thank you for your input on this matter.


In my opinion, you should be doing exercises that specifically improve coordination and balance among the muscles of the legs, hips, and waist.

The stresses transmitted through those muscles affect the pressure relationships among the pelvic bones.

An elliptic bike will induce stresses among those bones that fit your current pattern of muscular coordination and may aggravate the condition (test and find out!).

Somatic exercises improve muscular balance and coordination.

I am currently producing a video program for that kind of condition.  At present, the best option is called, The Cat Stretch (see  If you wish, I can notify you when the new program is ready.  Send email to [email protected] to be put on a notification list.

If you can find a practitioner of Hanna somatic education nearby, I would suggest you have sessions.  More information on that method exists at; practitioner list at

with regard,
Lawrence Gold

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