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Manual therapy on neck caused temp blindness
9/23 17:32:48

I was having therapy on my neck and when the therapist was going some manipulation
he hit something and i lost my eye sight for a few seconds. I asked was that normal he said
no but did explain it. I was just having neck pain was the reason i was there. Why did that happen
and is it something i need to see a Dr. for.
The only thing i know about my neck is about 7 yrs ago I had an MRI and had 3
hemangiomas and very small disc. Nothing serious.

Hello, Kim.

The manipulations of the therapist may have caused a momentary pressure on a blood vessel to the visual part of your brain.

Neck pain usually indicates muscular contractions, which are, in my opinion, best and most quickly relieved by somatic training to improve your control of your muscle tension.

more on that approach:

Lawrence Gold

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