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Thoracic DDD
9/23 17:32:47

I am a military helicopter pilot with 29 years of military service. I was diagnosed with cervical DDD which was attributed to my military service namely my service as a helicopter pilot. Can piloting a helicopter and all the associated duties also be contribute to the development of thoracic DDD...

Mark Currie

Dear Mark,

Very simply, YES is the answer.  All military are subject to increased postural loads in the course of their training and duties, but pilots (fixed wing, jet and rotor) are subject to ever increasing forces in flight as well due to experiencing rapid acceleration and deceleration of the aircraft in maneuvers...not to mention the constraints of the cockpit.  Moreover, the movement and engine vibrations wear down the discs over time with repetitive stress and compression. This is the same thing that happens to over the road truck drivers. I see quite a few pilots in my office, and they all have cervical and thoracic DDD....even the younger ones have it in the lower neck.  

Hope this helps mark.

Dr. Shawn Leatherman

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