i'm 21 yrs. old. about 2 yrs. before i lift my friend up whose weight is about 75 kgs and i was about 52 kgs. from that day, my spinal is paining, i'm unable to run beyond the limit of 2-3 mins, i'm unable to lift just a bucket full of water. i've checked out different hospitals in delhi. all the doctors there told that its the case of disk slip but all were unable to give a treatment.i'v had different medicines given by a homeopathy doctor but all in vain.
please help me to overcome this problem.
Hanna Somatic Educatio
Hello, Manish.
It's not a case of disc slip; it's a case of muscle spasm in your back.
Please see the following entry for explanation and access to an exercise that can free you from the pain and muscle spasm.