QuestionFive years ago I had severe pain on the left side of my neck and arm that lasted for about ten days. My sense of touch was reduced to 40%. I have hypersensitivity in both hands. My hands will frequently lock and both arms go numb if I stay in the same position for very long. On the rare occasion that I sleep for more than an hour I wake with a severe headache. Deterioration is continuing.
While waiting for a MRI (5 years ago) I had x-rays and my doctor told me that my C3, 4 and 5 vertebrae were visibly smaller and that as the disks shrank the vertebrae were pinching the nerves. He said that over time it would continue to get worse. I see a chiropractor and a massage therapist regularly and this has helped somewhat with the pain.
Both doctors tell me that the alternatives are worse than what I am experiencing.
Is there a 搑eal expert?that I can consult or can you suggest anything.
Thank you
Lawrence Gold Somatics
Hanna Somatic Educatio
Hi, Max,
The first thing I would check is the state of your neck muscles. Tight muscles cause compression of discs and lead to nerve impingements, which produce the symptoms you have described.
Before considering a more drastic alternative or believing the prognoses of doctors, look at the possibility I have raised. The slight improvements you have had from chiropractic and massage make the possibility likely, if not promising.
See this write-up. If you see a fit, take action.
It describes an alternative that is different that what can be achieved, with manipulation or massage.