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Neck/pinched nerve?
9/23 17:31:48


About 3 weeks ago I was doing very heavy garden work, lifting twisting etc, Over 2 weeks of work,

After the 2 weeks of work I woke up with what I think is a pinched nerve, When I look directly down, I get a tingling thorough both hands and into my torso but only slightly, Once the feeling is there it goes.

I can look up, left and right, and there is no pain, just tingling/numbness.

I have been to the doctors and had 2 sessions with a Chiropractor.

They seem to think it's a time and rest thing now, But after 3 weeks Im getting a little worried.

At first the feelings also went to my feet but that has gone now, so I guess there are some signs of improvement.

Any advice would be fantastic.


Chris :)

Muscles Like Rigging
Muscles Like Rigging  
Hi Chris,

Sorry to hear about the body issues.  The good news is that I do think there are things you can do to get rid of the tingling and numbness in your hands.

I explain all of what I'm about to tell you on my completely free website
but let me give a brief overview here.

If you think of all the muscles in your body like the rigging (ropes) on a big old-fashioned sailboat you can see that if some of the rigging (muscles) got too tight, they could pull inappropriately on the bones they connect to and the muscles they oppose.  This could then lead to the nerves being negatively affected when you went to do certain movements because they've either been pulled out of position or are being yanked on.

I think your gardening probably tightened up certain muscle groups and if we release that inappropriate tension, your tingling should go away.

You have a bit of a choice, but if I were you I'd go to my Hand Pain Relief page first and just follow along with the videos:
Really focus on Step 2 where you release the muscles in your neck and upper back that could be making your hands numb.

The Upper Back Pain Relief page might also be good to go through:
Since your tingling is in both sides of your body, releasing the muscles in your upper back may help a lot.

And since you said your feet were going numb you could probably benefit from releasing your lower back muscles that can yank on the nerves that innervate the bottom of your feet.  I'd check out this Burning Feet Sensation Relief page, which should cover what you need:

Every page on my website is listed on the Site Map page if want to look around for more helpful videos:

Again, I think if you just follow along with some of these videos you will be able to help yourself a great deal.

Hope this helps.

All the best,

Gary Crowley

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