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Burning feet pain
9/23 17:30:37

Hi Gary,

I came across your website and thought may be you can help me. I have been having burning pain in my feet for 5-6 years. I have gone through all sorts of neurological and blood tests and have had treatments from podiatrists, chiropractors, acupuncturists. But nothing has helped. I even tried the exercises you listed on your website. Currently, I am working with another chiropractor but have not seen any encouraging results yet. I used to be able to alleviate the pain somewhat by icing my feet. That does not work anymore. When I put ice packs on my lower back, it helps for a short while but then pain comes back again. Please let me know if you can help.

I live in Baltimore County, Maryland.


Hello Jasmeet,

Sorry to hear about the the burning feet.  The fact that you get some relief when you ice your back is a bit encouraging.
If you've done my "Burning Feet Sensation Relief" videos,
and they really didn't help much, my only thought is that perhaps you need someone else to work on you
and maybe free your back more than your were able to do yourself.

I'd recommend you go to these two websites,
Call the practioners in your area and go to someone who you feel has the best chance of helping you.
I'd generally recommend someone who has been in practice at least 5 years, preferably 10 years.  And feel free to try more than one person if you don't feel like you've found a good one. Also, some will only want to do a ten session series, but some will also be willing to do 揻ix-it?work and just fix the areas where you are having pain issues.  In their terms you would need "5th and 6th hour work", from the "Ten Series" that they do. I'm optimistic that this could be of benefit, so at least think about it.

I do hope this proves helpful.

All the best,

Gary Crowley  

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