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Back Pain MRI Results
9/23 17:30:24

Hello, Due to a car accident,  my back was injured,I am in a lot of pain, My MRI results read: At L3-4 there is a broad based bulging annulus. Flattening of the ventral thecal sac and mild foraminal encroachment bilaterally. Can you please tell me what this means and let me know what treatments are available? I thank you in advance

Hello Maria;

I'm terribly sorry about the accident.  L3, as you know is in the middle of your low back and the nerves from there innervate the legs and lower body.

If you are interested in the disc and how it works, you can go to my web page on the subject, and see for yourself...

<a href=""> Lumbar disc page<a/>

The MRI findings you got outline a problem with the disc closing off the opening from which the nerves leave the spinal column. Yours is worrse than most, as the disc essentially chokes off the opeing for the nerve, and they have nowhere to run.

The diagnosing of a patient is one thing.  What to do next is more important.

If I had your condition, I would investigate lumbar decompression, a non-invasive way to remodel the disc and get it away from the delicate nerve tissue.

A quick Google search should show who's in your area who does this.  Be careful, however, as there are people who would take all your money for it!  

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