QuestionMy right side psoas muscle was disconnected ie nerve cut during a liver transplant. I have a wobbly gait with limited stride. Walking causes trocenterin bursitus and then it is very painful to walk. I want to stimulate the psoas so that the nerve can reconnect.What advice can you give?
I do three hours of yoga a week. I have been doing daily physio,lifting my right leg, for 8 months.
I am determined.
With Regards,
France's Minto
AnswerHello, Frances,
I'm guessing you meant trochanteric bursitis.
The pain comes from muscles in contraction -- which suggests that their controlling nerve was not cut, or the muscles would be slack and not painful and your stride would not be limited.
You asked for a recommendation. I have published a program called, Free Your Psoas, for exactly the kind of stimulation you ask about. You may see it at and the entire explanation of psoas muscle functioning, at