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what is this?
9/23 17:23:26

My mother inlaw was recently told by her doctor that she has arthritus a and a.  What is this?  I have never heard of it or have I been able to find it anywhere.  He told her that is is the worst type of arthritus for her to have and that he is sending her to a specialist.

Dear Cindy,   This is a NEW ONE for me....  Out of the 100 different types of arthritis, this one does not appear on the list....  Are you sure that she got the proper name....  I suggest that someone call the doctors office a get an EXACT name for the type of arthritis she has been diagnosed with....  Until a PROPER name for this arthritis is given, I really can't help much.....  Letter initials are not enough information to go on....

Here is a list of most of the types of arthritis

thank you,   karen

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