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pain & stiffness after cracking knuckles
9/23 17:22:50

hi. I'm 15 years old and have been constantly cracking my knuckles for the past 5 years or so. Now, my fingers are very stiff, especially in the mornings and have started to hurt. I am very active in the martial arts, in which making a fist is important, but I cannot even make a fist anymore due to the stiffness in my fingers. I am trying to stop cracking, but I still crack my neck, back and even toes. I cannot stop cracking my knuckles and they have also turned very large. Has the constant cracking developed into some early arthritis? Is there any way to stop the stiffness and pain? Thank you.

Dear Maggie,   YES, the cracking has probably caused you to damage or destroy the cartiledge between the joints of your fingure also known as Osteoarthritis and if you continue to crack your neck, back and toes, plus anything else, you will have severe problems before you are even 20-25....

I do not know what to tell you about the bad HABIT of cracking things, but maybe your doctor can help you...  As for the stiffness and pain, STOP cracking, take Advil, Mortin or Ibuprophen and this will help the stiffness and the pain, but you will never stop it conpletely and Osteoarthritis will only get worse as you get older....

thank you,   karen

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