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Cycling and Arthritis of Hip
9/23 17:22:29

I have early arthritis of the hip. I am starting to cycle again and wonder if this will agravate or increase the onset of arthritis. I am a 44 male and otherwise healthy.  

Keith, I have arthritis in the hips, too, and had a difficult time finding the right exercise.  I walk, but have to be careful of stride length - too long and it can sometimes cause bursitis.  I also use an elliptical trainer with an adjustable stride length for the same reason.

Exercise will help strengthen the muscles supporting the joint, so it's a good thing!  Be patient and start out slowly.  Stop an exercise if it causes more problems and try another.  Don't forget to stretch.  If you get frustrated and can't seem to progress, ask your doc for a referral to a physical therapist.  Tell the PT your exercise goals and s/he can help you with stretches and exercises to bring the joint "up to speed."

I've found that regular exercise has helped my hip arthritis - I can stand longer without pain and seem to have a little less daily achiness.  Again, start out slowly and be patient.  This is a marathon, not a sprint.  Good luck!

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