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lupus like symptoms, but ANA neg
9/23 17:22:12

I am a 28 yr old female who has been experiencing strange symptoms for the past year and a half. It started with continuous hair loss for months at a time, followed by fatigue, joint pain in knees and a rash that comes and goes on my lips. These symptoms would come and go for the course of several months. Then upon becoming pregnant they disappeared until the 6 month mark. My OB did a ESR, RF, and ANA test. The ESR was 32, RF 13 and ANA negative. I was told it was nothing to worry about. Well, since my son was born three months ago, the joint pain and stiffness is now in my hands, wrists and knees almost every day. I am also now getting canker sores in my mouth along with all of the other combined symptoms. My PCP said to see a Rheumatologist, but with a negative ANA, she doesn't think it is autoimmune. I feel like she thinks I am crazy. I am in so much pain from the arthritis and I am so fatigued no matter how much sleep I get. Do you have any advice? Should I see the Rheumatologist?

Your negative ANA does support the idea that it's not an autoimmune disease - for now.  But that doesn't rule out other conditions, like fibromyalgia, to account for your symptoms, or maybe a combination of conditions, or an early or rare negative ANA result in AI disease.  

See the rheumatologist - s/he is best qualified to sort through the symptoms and test results to find an answer.  Have patience and work with her/him - it may still be awhile before you can, together, find the right diagnosis and treatment for you.

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