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 Bone Health > Question and Answer > Arthritis > Rheumatology > NEED HELP!
9/23 17:22:08

Hi. I have been going rounds with Doctors. So frustrated and not being treated for anything yet. Bloodwork shows ANA POSITIVE, SS-A POSITIVE, RF POSITIVE, plus many issues with blood cells such as Low WBC, Low RBC, Low Hemoglobin and Hematocrit, High MCH, High RDW, High Neutrophil, Low Calcium, Low Albumin, Low Potassium, insulin resistant, High Chloride, High Prolactin, High Cortisol, High Ferritin etc. My symptoms include fatique, muscle weakness, bone and joint pain and stiffness, dry eyes mouth and ears, skin peeling, red dots on skin, headdaches, shortness of breath, feeling cold, plus more. I have found out I have a heart condition. But does not relate to most of my symptoms. I have not been diagnosed yet for anything and therefore not being treated. 2 Doctors felt I had Sjogrens and another possible linked autoimmune disorder and sent me to a blood specialist who only cared about my blood count and ignored my other tests. Just started seeing a Rheumatologist and although my blood work indicates possible conditions I guess I am not a 100% textbook and I am not being treated for anything yet and have been there twice now. They want to do a biopsy of glands in my lip next visit. Frustrated and unsure. Any ideas? What do you think? I am 35 years old, good BMI. Thank you so much for your time!

Hi Amanda,

First off, your body is in disarray. You must return yourself to metabolic homeostasis. A good Internist would be a good start, start taking Malic acid with manganese and Magnesium for muscle issues and make sure you are not anemic, either B12 or Iron. Then take copious amounts of glucosamine sulfate with MSM, neither will have adverse effects. This will prevent further joint destruction in OA but also will minimize any destruction from RA. I would see a top endocrinologist as well since there are so many parameters out of range that can be attributed to a mass at or near the pituitary, adrenal cortex or thyroid. This is the type of case where one specialist isn't adequate, you need a team of top professionals to nail down the cause or multiple causes. Also, start taking electrolytes in a mixed drink and eat a balanced diet. Get a food allergy panel and an infectious disease specialist on this immediately since it may well be a pathogen causing this. I hope you live near a good teaching hospital since they have the latest diagnostic equipment. Please, please keep me apprised of your ongoing progress since I am extremely interested in the outcome. I wish I can be more help but without direct examination and privy to all tests, I can only give you what I would do in the same circumstances.

Good Luck and God Bless.

PS  Family history may play an important role here as well as a genetic profile, pursue them both and get back to me.

I can always be reached at drtimothydurnin@comcast,net

Yours truly,

Dr. Timothy Durnin

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