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RF Results
9/23 17:21:55

QUESTION: Hello,  My RF test results recently was 8, with a reference range of <20.  The ANA, ESR and CRP were all fine. I realize that 8 is low, but isn't this number supposed to be zero?  Does 8 mean that something could be brewing?  Secondly, does < 20 mean RF Negative?  And is RF Negative the same as seronegative, or to be seronegative do they mean zero? Thanks so much!

ANSWER: Kathy,

Yes, 8 is a low RA Factor. It does not represent any type of Rheumatoid disease now or in the future. Many people have a positive RA Factor as you age that goes up. Less than 5% have it in their twenties and over 20% of people over 60 have it.

The reference you refer to is less than 20. RA Factor is not considered a marker until you reach 20. Therefore 8 is less than 20 or 8 < 20. Seronegative simply means an absence of an antibody in the blood. In the case of RA it is when you have RA and have a RA Factor of 0.

I wish you the best


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you very much!  I am also curious-- these tests were run 8 months ago, how often might they need to be re-run?  Do these figures tend to change rapidly?  Or, can I rest easy for a while?  

Thank you!


These numbers do not usually very slow to change, if they change at all. The results you mentioned are all good results. I do not know if I can say you can rest for a while because if you had all these test run then you must be having some health issues that you are trying to diagnose. The good news is that with these tests being negative you have ruled out several of the worst conditions.

I wish you success if finding the answers to the health issues you have been seeking answers to and good health and happiness.


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