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rhuematoid arthiritis
9/23 17:21:46

My mom was diagnosised with sero-negative RA in her late 40's.  She is concerned I may have it also as The last couple of weeks I have been showing the same type syptoms.  She was concerned though as mine seem to move around more.  Over the last couple of weeks I get this ball feeling lump wither in my wrist or ankles and one day it was in my ankle and 2 days later it was in my wrist and 2 days later went back to my ankle and now is in the other ankle.  It is red and swollen and i cannot move the area it is.  Is this common to move around this quickly and this often?


It is not unusual for joint pain and swelling to move around in RA. In RA your immune system is attacking your joints and other parts of your body. Sometimes changes can happen quickly. I find the description of the swelling unusual.

The most important thing for you to do is see your doctor. There are so many things than can cause these symptoms. You need to start the process of finding out what the cause is. If it is an autoimmune type of arthritis the earlier you begin treatment the better.

In the mean time, the fact that your symptoms move around quickly does not signal that if you have RA that it will be worse than your mother. RA and other autoimmune diseases effect everyone different.

On the other hand you may not have anything serious at all. You will not know until you see your doctor.

I wish you the best.


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