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Muscle and nerve pain
9/23 17:21:15

It all started with a bout of Epstein Barr Virus in July 07.  This seemed to clear up in about 3 weeks.  For 2 weeks I was totally fine and then I had a real high stress event happen where I almost missed a flight coming back from a wedding.  I think maybe two days later I was doing a bent over row and I noticed a twinge in my perineum.  The next day I had pain upon sitting in the perineum.  Long story short I was diagnosed with muscle spasms/trigger points of the pelvic muscles which I am going to PT for.  A few months later I tried going swimming and then the muscles of my glutes and hamstrings went into spasm and now I had pain in my sit bones where the hamstrings attach to the glutes.  So I tried running on a treadmill which immediately caused heel pain.  I was also told I have nerve problems in my left foot.  Then a few months later I started getting nerve pain in my both hands and forearms.  Was diagnosed with carpal tunnel like symptoms.  It seems like I do an activity and my muscles go into spasm.  I have had many tests...ANA for Lupus, RF, CRProtein.  All were negative.  The only things that have come back positive is low thyroid and high CK levels.  I know thyroid issues can cause some of the myofascial pain I am having but could there be something else going on like a virus or autoimmune disease.  Please help.  I've been to many doctors and no one can give me a definitive answer.  Thank you

Hi Amit,

I think you need more blood work, here is how the CPK levels are tied into the thyroid test.

What does the test result mean?
NOTE: This test has no single number that identifies an abnormal result. Your lab report (see a sample report) should include a range of numbers (reference range) that identifies what is expected for you based on your age, sex, and the method used in that laboratory. You can find more information about expected results at Reference Ranges and What They Mean. Lab Tests Online strongly recommends that you discuss the meaning of your test results with your doctor.

If the value of CK-MB is elevated and the ratio of CK朚B to total CK (relative index) is more than 2.5?, it is likely that the heart was damaged. A high CK with a relative index below this value suggests that skeletal muscles were damaged.

Is there anything else I should know?
Severe injury to skeletal muscle can be significant enough to raise CK朚B levels above normal, but such injury doesn't usually cause a high relative index. If your doctor suspects injury to both heart muscle and skeletal muscle, proponing is a more accurate test for identifying a heart attack.
Sometimes persons who are having trouble breathing have to use their chest muscles. Chest muscles have more Comb than other muscles, which would raise the amount of Comb in the blood.

Persons whose kidneys have failed can also have high Comb levels without having had a heart attack. Rarely, chronic muscle disease, low thyroid hormone levels, and alcohol abuse can increase Comb, producing changes similar to those seen in a heart attack.

In addition, I would get a comprehensive food allergy panel since this could replicate the symptoms you describe.

Good Luck,

Dr. Timothy Durnin

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