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Sister w/ systemic scleroderma
9/23 17:20:48

I've noticed my sister forgetting what she tells you and repeats herself 2-3 times on any particular topic in a 30 minute spa time and not be aware she's doing this. Does Scleroderma affect the brain fuctions in the same as it does with her having Systemic Scleroderma?  Is this a progession of the disease?  Are there other signs I can be looking out for?  Thanks for your help.

Scleroderma isn't thought to directly affect the brain because of the lack of connective tissue in that organ.  But, some small studies have found evidence of effects on the cognitive function possibly due to reduced blood flow from blood vessel damage. Many scleroderma patients complain of changes in cognitive function or "brain fog," where there may be "confusion, forgetfulness and difficulty concentrating." For me, this isn't to the point of being unable to perform most activities, but reading and comprehending for me are sometimes a challenge when they never used to be pre-diagnosis.  

It's tough to differentiate between what may be scleroderma-related, normal aging, environmental such as isolation, medication, fatigue, etc. and it may not be important to understand the exact. cause so much as to help your sister recognize it and find a way to cope.

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