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9/23 17:11:05


Thanks very much for sharing your expertise.

I'm 73 years old and have had problems with pain in my right shoulder for about a year.  I saw my GP who suggested X-rays.  After looking at them, he said I have osteoarthritis -- and that surgery is not indicated.

He suggested two advil two times a day.  I'm doing that but they don't give me much relief from the pain.  Can you suggest another medication that might be more effective?  I heard today about a product called Joint Advantage Gold.  It is produced by Dr. David G. Williams, who seems to specialize in alternative medicines.  It sounds very good, but I would appreciate some objective comments.  Do you have any thoughts on this product?

I am not sure about the specifics of Joint advantage but it probably contains Glucosamine Sulfate and MSM. These two ingredients have been medically proven to stop and even reverse OA in most people. They are OTC and require no prescription. I wouldn't take anything that has someones name on it since you'll probably pay an extra premium for an added ingredient that isn't proven to do anything.
Stop taking Advil since it speeds up OA while masking the symptoms, you need GS and MSM to reverse it. Taking Advil while swallowing the other stuff will just neutralize each other.
Go to any health food store and find a joint care product that has this;

Chondrotin Sulfate
Glucosamine Sulfate

Preferably you can find a product that doesn't have Chondrotin in it. This molecule is large and poorly absorbed.

You also must take 3 grams/day. That is the therapeutic dose shown in the studies to work. That amounts to 6/500mg tabs/day. I would just take 3 in the morning and 3 at night. This will take 3-6 months to show a difference, remember, you are repairing years of joint destruction so it takes time.
Unfortunately there is no magic pill to reverse it overnight.
It is also best to receive therapeutic ultrasound over the involved joints, this aids in absorption and increased blood supply to the areas involved. Any Chiropractor can do this.

Good Luck,
Dr. Timothy Durnin

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------


I purchased the product suggested and started taking it last night.

I have one remaining question.

I stopped taking Advil as you suggested, but are there any other pain relief medications you feel would be O.K. to take?  In addition, is it O.K. to take a daily aspirin to
guard against heart attacks and strokes?

Asprin is O.K. only if you are not taking Vitamin E or other anticoagulants.

Only opiate type meds such as Vicodin are O.K., use short term only!

All NSAIDS block cartilage from dividing, so stay away from them.

Be patient, the GS takes weeks to begin the rebuilding process. See your M.D. for alternative pain meds such as Relafin.

Dr. Timothy Durnin

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