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Bike Injury
9/21 14:23:55
I had a tire blowout last week and flew over the handlebars, landing on my right side.  My elbow is painful, my waist area is very darkly bruised and still tender, while my right quad is okay when sitting but painful when I walk.  My main concern is treating the thigh and when I can become active again.  My husband would like to get out biking but since I am still in some pain with movement, wondering if this may be strained or sprained and whether resting or activity is best.  Any suggestions on how to treat or what type of exercise I can do -- feel like I am gaining weight at this point without any regular fitness program.

Hi Karen,

Sorry to hear about your injury! You didn't mention getting checked over by a physician.  Have you?  If not, see your primary care physician or an Urgent Care/Immediate Care physician for a check-over.  They may want to do some physical tests and some diagnostics (like imaging, for example) to check for any fractures, ligament tears, cartilage tears, blood clots, etc.  

After getting checked over, they will be able to better tell you what a safe level of activity is and when it will be okay to return to biking.  I have a close friend who is a biker, and even though he got hit by a car and fratured his arm, he was itching to get back out there the next and all...and he's a physical therapist!--so I have an idea about the enthusiasm cyclists have for their sport.  I know you'd like to be out there biking or doing "something" as soon as possible, and I am glad you have that positive attitude!  I think as soon as the doc clears you (or diagnosis anything that needs diagnosing and gets that treated for you), you can get back out there.

So in regards to treatment, it will depend on what the doctor finds.  Fractures or ligament tears require a period of immoblization for that part, but you would be able to do some exercise with the rest of your body.  Muscle strains (unless there is a tear or a blod clot) are usually treated with meds, hot/cold contrast and slow return to exercise.  

I can't diagnose, but I can tell you that from what you wrote, I am concerned about your waist area primarily, followed by the elbow and then the thigh.  The waist area still being brused and painful is worrisome because there are so many organs there that could have been bruised or injured when you fell and bled/still be bleeding.  Of course, all the areas need to be checked out, but that symptom is what caused me to have the greatest concern for you.  Please do see a physician sooner rather than later.

You are probably losing a bit of lean muscle mass, but I doubt that in a week's time, you are losing anything significant or that you are actually putting on a significant amount of fat/adipose tissue.  Your body is still in the "burn fat/store protein" mode.  Keep drinking plenty of water, and when the doctor clears you, start exercising the un-injured parts (free weights, walking/power walking, stationary cycling, etc) until you are cleared to return to biking.  

Until s/he clears you however, take it easy.  Better to lose a few days worth of muscle mass and heal up properly now, than to injure yourself and be out of the game for weeks or months later on.  

Take care, and I hope you feel better!  


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