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chronic overuse of muscles
9/21 14:23:52
Hello Sharon,
I'm wondering whether I've got stunted growth.  This is because I lifted a few weights when I was 13-15 (no maximal lifts, however, I lifted weights I could lift a minimum of 8 - 15 times).  I looked on a specialist site which said the symptons for a growth plate fracture would be;

# Inability to play following an acute or sudden injury.
# Decreased ability to play because of long-term complications following an injury.
# Visible deformity of the child's arms or legs.
# Severe pain from acute injuries that prevent the use of an arm or leg.

I have not suffered from any of this apart from a very mild 'groin strain' I get very occassionally.  The only reason why I think I may be stunted (I'm average height) is that I've got pretty short calves.

So, I don't think I've suffered from any traumatic incident that could fracture a plate, but the site also says that 'chronic overuse' may cause growth plate fractures (ie., a baseball player practicing his curveball too much).  Maybe the weights would count as this?  Would you experience any pain from this type of injury?  Because I have really never experienced any of this pain, so I'm not sure if I'm stunted.

Please just tell me whether you think I've been stunted, I know you may try to refer me to an orthopedic surgeon, but please just give me your evaluated judgement.

Thanks for yor time,
From Marc

Dear Marc

Since I am not a doctor I cannot answer your question.  Instead of an orthopedist, you might want to speak with an endocrinologist in regard to your feelings that you might have stunted growth.

Since you did not suffer any of the reasons why a growth plate would be affected, an endocrinologist might be the doctor you need to see.

Best of luck
Sharon Davis

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