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problems after total hip
9/21 14:23:51
I had my hip replaced over 15 months ago.  I am left with almost no abductor strength. I had an MRI of that hip which show a very large fluid collection above lateral to a below the greater trochanter with possible gluteus rupture or tear.  what I really need is a radiologist who will read it again... I need a second opinion I thing because I can't get three diferent doctors to even look at the MRI.  HELP!  I lurch around wiht a huge limp and have to walk with a cane.  Any ideas of what I should do

Dear Sandy

Have you gone back to your surgeon?  What does he say?  If you want a second opinion, find a teaching hospital and ask for the head of orthopedics, and get an appointment with that person.

Most insurance companies pay for a second opinion.  I'm not sure why you can't get other doctors to look at the MRI but you should find a doctor to see you again, especially if you are pain.


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