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14-year-olds hip injury
9/21 14:23:51
Adam Rufa - 4/5/2006

My 14 year old son was running at baseball practice yesterday, heard a loud pop in his hip, felt some pain there, and now can't raise his leg very high.  He's walking with a limp but not feeling a lot of pain today.  We have been icing it, but can't see or even talk to our orthopedist for two days. I've read about hip avulsion fractures and am worried for him.  Does hearing a pop always mean something serious?  Could this just be a pulled muscle? I'm just a mom trying to figure out how much to worry-- Thanks so much for being available!

Hearing a pop is not always a bad thing. Joints often pop without any major problem. Although, a pop like the one your son heard can be indicative of an injury. It is important that you get him checked out especially if his symptoms do not get better. I would encourage you to have your son see his general practitioner or pediatrician if they can see him sooner than the Orthopedist.  X-rays of his hip could be very helpful in ruling out something more serious.
  The concern I have is sometimes kids your son's age can displace their growth plate. This is more common in larger individuals but can happen to any kid. This can be diagnosed with an x-ray. Good luck and don't worry too much. Even if he did injure his hip there are very effective treatments for it.     

Good luck and let me know how he makes out.


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