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Bone bruise
9/21 14:23:43
Adam Rufa - 5/23/2006

I am a 27 year old female.  I have been suffering from mild to moderate wrist pain for the last 6 months.  I went to an orthopedic surgon and I was given an MRI.  The MRI results showed bone contusion.  I beleive it was on one of the carpal bones.  I have not had any type of trauma or injury to my wrist that I can recall.  There also has never been any visible bruising or swelling.  I was told that bone bruising is cause from some sort of trauma or injury.  Can there be any other cause for this?


Sorry I took so long to get back to you. I can not think of any musculoskeletal that reason you would have a bone bruise without trauma. With that said, MRIs are not perfect and can show things that either are not there or are not important. I am not sure if some other non-musculoskeletal problem can cause an area of 揵one bruising?on an MRI.
There are many things that can be going on with your wrist that an MRI would not show.


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