Adam Rufa - 6/5/2006
QuestionI had been walking for exerise (aiming for 4 to 5 miles per day) but without any direct injury developed a stress fracture in my ankle (outside bone - fibula I believe). I was given a boot to wear which caused my lower back to go out the first week I had it. I was home for two weeks recovering from the back injury and slowly went back into the boot. I wore it approx 7 weeks and was told the stress fracture was greatly improved and could go out of the boot; physical therapy was ordered.
Since I've been out of the boot and doing PT, my leg and foot pain have increased. The Orto dr. referred me to a podiatrist who believes the calve, ankle and foot pain is caused from the sciatic nerve. I am worried that it isn't going to get better. I am seeing a chiropractor again for my back because I did get great relief from her at the initial time of my back injury.
I apologize for the lengthy, rather fragmented story!
What treatment course would you recommend? What types of exericse are best to do? Walking is painful and I am feeling so depressed without much physial activity.
I appreciate any help you can offer.
Lynda Elhard
AnswerI can't really recommend a treatment course without examining you. Especially, if there is uncertainty as to where your symptoms are coming from. I do suggest that you look into possible causes of your stress fracture. Get checked for osteoporosis and you may need orthotics to even out the forces on your feet.
It can sometimes be difficult to differentiate a local problem versus referred symptoms from the back. Usually a thorough physical exam will give you an insight into what is causing your symptoms.