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Blood in hip,leg and buttuck areas after surgery
9/21 14:23:38
I am a 49 year old frmale who had hip replacement in 09/04. I was sent home with a Staph infections and had to go back in because of kidney failure.I have now had 21 left hip revisions and will now be put back on the surgical list for August to remove all the blood laying in the hip buttuck and leg areas. I am very swollen because of the extra fluid. Why this problem and is it a common problem for this type of surgery? I had the Mini surgery but then ended up with the total surgery. Thank you.

Dear Debra

Unfortunately I am not a doctor and therefore can't really tell you why this is happening to you.  Have you gotten a second opinion?  If your doctors have not explained the reasons why this is happening, you need to sit him or her down for a consultation and get reasons explained to you.

If I were you, I'd also look into going to a teaching hospital and finding a doctor at one of those.  The hospital for special surgery is very good and is located in NYC.

I wish you luck in getting your answers

Sharon Davis

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