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Left Hip Pain
9/21 14:23:38
Hi Sharon!  This is in regards to my husband (he is 35).  He was in a roll over truck accident on May 3, 2006.  He has been having severe pain in his left hip.  He has a big limp, uses a cane and can hardly bend over.  My husband said it feels like 2 bones are rubbing together. He has been seeing an Orthopedic doctor.  First they did a x-ray, that looked fine.  So, then the Dr. wanted to do an MRI of his hip to make sure it wasn't fractured, that was fine too.  He did a cat scan of his pelvis, that was fine.  Tested his nerves and that came back fine.  Beginning of July the Dr. said "this severe pain should not be from his muscles, because it has been 2 months.  He would be feeling better by now".  So, then he ordered a bone scan and that came back fine.  So today (7-28-06) we saw him again to go over the bone scan results.  He said those were normal.  He said his severe pain must be his muscle and to start physical therapy 3 times a week and see him again in a month.  Does this sound right?  Any idea what could be wrong? Thanks so much! Rachelle

Hi Rachel
Unfortunately I am not a doctor so I can't make diagnoses.  

Does your husband remember falling, or in some way, injuring his hip?  

Sometimes an arthro-gram will help.  See if your doctor will recommend that test.  It's an invasive test, they basically shoot a dye into the hip, but it will probably give you the answer if he has a bone problem or not.

Best of luck to you.

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