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Mild facet arthrosis
9/21 14:23:22
I've been suffering of mild diffused pain in my legs and bum for 6 months.
After investigation and 6 different doctors opinions I finally got the MRI
results that states as finally comment: Normal sacroiliac  joints. MILD FACED
ARTHROSIS at L4/5 and L5/S1. No foraminal or canal stenosis. No pars
Could you please let me know what arthrosis is exactly and if it is curable
and how?
Thank you so much for your help.

Bianca Baroni  

Dear Bianca

Since I am not a doctor, I can't diagnose.  I think it would be best to talk to your doctor, have him explain the results in language you can understand.  I used to ask my doctor to point to the actual areas on my body that the MRI was talking about until I understood.

Best of luck

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