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Achilles Tendon injury
9/21 14:22:59
Dr. Timothy K. Durnin - 8/21/2007


I am an avid long distance runner. I am 32 and I run about 40-45 miles per week.

For several months now I have had this chronic achilles tendon injury.

The area of injury and scar tissue is on my left achilles on the medial aspect (near my big toe) of the lower part of the tendon.

I got this injury from running hard intervals on the track in the regular counter-clockwise direction. This placed more tension on that left achilles of mine.

I have been treating it with:

1) Ultrasound (at home with a device I bought here:
2) ICE

I then switched over to Ultrasound, Heat and massage (to break down the scar tissue that has formed).

I have now decided to stop running and take time to heal this. As it has been re-occurring and very frustrating and heart-breaking.

So my plan now for the next 15 weeks is:

1) No running (except maybe light jogs)
2) Ultrasound 3x/day for 10 minutes
3) Heat via hot water bottle 3x/day
4) Massage with Arnica ointment to break down the scar tissue

Is this a good plan? Is there any other suggestions you can give me?

thank you

Asad Raza
Racine, WI

Hi Asad,

Sorry I wasn't able to get back with you immediately but we have severe flooding here in the midwest and in our house.

I am impressed, you are doing exactly what you should do, i would just like to add that using ice after each treatment will minimize inflammation. This after the heat.  This should take care of it, if it persists, prolotherapy or a medrol dose pak will also help. Both can be obtained by a physician, the prolotherapy you will have to Google to find a doctor in your area that does it.

Good Luck!

Dr. Timothy Durnin

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