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hip bursitis
9/21 14:22:48
I hope you can shed some light on this for me, or at least give me hope.  I was diagnoses with hip bursitis a few weeks ago.  I had pain on the outer hip which radiated to the groin area when running.  actually the pain was more intense after running.  I took a couple of weeks off running while taking advil.  returned to Doc who gave me a cortisone shot.  it hurt for a few days and then the pain began to decrease.  After about ten days, i felt no pain.  I tried running, it felt ok.  the next day i went running again and felt a twinge.  the day after i went running  again and felt the pain after the run and still feel it now. The pain is not excrutiating but bothersome.  Did I ruin the progress I was making?  I figured maybe i ran too soon, is this going to get better ever?  I don't want it to become a chronic problem.  the Doc had given me Relafen for another problem I had had and it helped alot then, will it help me now?

Hi Barb

If you went against your doctor's orders and ran without his approval, you may have done some damage.  I can't really answer that as it would depend on what he told you.

I am not familiar with Relafen as a pain reliever so that is also out of my expertise.  

My advise would be to ask your primary physician to refer you out to a sports medicine orthopedist and have him do a work up on you to ascertain if the pain is bone pain or a problem with a ligament or tendon.  Once the sports doctor diagnoses you, you'll be able to have him give you suggestions on what can help with your injury.  Regardless, if I were you, I'd stop running until you get a definite diagnosis.  It may be as simple as a pulled tendon.

Best of luck to you.

Sharon Davis

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