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Stress Fracture
9/21 14:22:27
Dr. Timothy K. Durnin - 1/25/2008

I just found out that I have a stress fracture of the proximal tibia. My orthopedic surgeon did an MRI expecting to find something else. I was in a car accident about four years ago in which I had a tib/fib fx. They did surgery and placed hardware, which has been removed. The stress fracture is located right where the rod had been.

My questions, even though I had started running and think that's what this is from, what are the chances that this could have resulted from the bone being too weak to withstand all the running? The MRI was done almost four weeks ago but I was just told the results, when can I start running again, and last but not least, what would happen if I started running/walking and the stress fracture is not fully healed?


Running at this point will only propagate the fracture. Get an Exogen bone stimulator or electrical stimulator from your ortho to speed healing. Get the rod out as soon as possible since this will always be a point of weakness. Once the rod is removed, the calcium deposits will form a stronger bond than any of the surrounding bone and running won't be a problem. Swimming would be advisable until the fracture is solidified. Light weight bearing will keep the fracture from failing and strengthen the area to a point. Over-doing it will only cause more problems. It is vital you take 3 grams twice/day of glucosamine sulfate with MSM to prevent post-traumatic osteoarthritis down the road. This remedy is well documented with randomized, double blind trials to prevent and reverse OA. Since its the proximal tibia, OA is inevitable unless you start taking this readily available OTC supplement immediately. This with the bone stimulator's will ensure a positive clinical outcome, insist that the Ortho prescribe the stimulator's and get the GS with MSM at any Walgreens. Take it for life and you'll probably never have arthritis. Its cheap insurance and crazy not to do it. I also shattered my left tibia in 23 places and had an ilizarov fixator on my leg for 13 months, they told me I would need a knee replacement if I didn't get the leg removed. I treated myself and insisted on the above recommendations only to have a perfect left leg with no residual after effects. So I know from first hand experience, follow my instructions and you will be able to run to your hearts content!

Good Luck!

Dr. Timothy Durnin

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