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Not sure if you can help me.....
9/21 14:22:18
Joe A Shaw PA-C - 2/15/2008

I have been having a neck ache/shoulder ache, some numbness in my arm and hand, I have fibro, so this pain is familar to me.
I decided to go to the Chiropractor, I asked him about a lump I feel in my neck, it is boney feeling, kind of round, but the other side doesn't feel as big, I do feel it on the other side, but not as big and if I turn my neck a certain way on the other side I don't feel it at all where on the side I am complaining about turning my head makes it bigger.
He said it was bone, and then pointed out a hard muscle over it, said it was tight.
My main question is, are Chiropractors trained to know what a "bump/lump" is?  
If it was a lymph node for instance would he know that or do I need an MD for that?
Also, is it possible for one side of your neck to have bigger bones than the other or to have them feel different? He says I can feel them because I am skinny.
Also I don't know if it matters but I have scoliosis.

P.S. Any way for me to find a place that would show the structures of the neck, lymph nodes, bones, etc?

My main question is, are Chiropractors trained to know what a "bump/lump" is?

Well, that would depend on what the lump is..which is kind of your question. I personally would see MD or PA if you have any question regarding your lymph nodes. You do have the posterior cervical chain of nodes in that area or it could be the spinous process of your vertebrae you are feeling.

Also, is it possible for one side of your neck to have bigger bones than the other or to have them feel different? He says I can feel them because I am skinny.

Yes, our bodies/skeletal system are really not perfectly symmetrical,but people often don't take notice until something is hurting,then they and or Dr's compare sides etc..and assume that well that must be the reason you are hurting. Sometimes it is, sometimes it's not and after the pain goes away the person still has that "tightness" or whatever still there.....

Also I don't know if it matters but I have scoliosis

Well it certainly will matter to the DC!...they will be all over that...I'm sure..
Sometimes SOME of them will attribute a whole lot of stuff to incidental findings on xrays of the spine. For kicks once they were at our mall..doing these little spot checks..measuring and checking peoples spine etc..I went over because they were very aggressive..(all most like at a carnival) and I said I have chronic back pain..(which I don't--rarely have I had anything other than a typical back strain from lifting too much etc..)He was telling me that I need to come in for xrays etc..and that he could tell by my posture and the shape of my spine and measurements etc.. why I was having all this pain for so many years and that he could correct it etc...I said I will call you.

They do have there place..Many people and athletes use them. I know of an MD that goes to one every once in a while if he feels he has wrenched his back. But most if not all of the orthopedic spine surgeons and/or neurosurgeons I know will not see you if you are also seeing a DC for spine problems..due to if something happens during adjustments they don't want to be blamed for it.

try googling cervical vertbrae lymph node anatomy

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