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slight groin and gluteus pain. Hip revision
9/21 14:21:41
Hi Sharon,

I recently had a hip replacement revision surgery (4 weeks ago) on my left side, and I am experiencing some groin pain. I am fairly young considering (30), with rheumatoid arthritis. It seems like it's a muscle or tendon that contracts when I try to lift my leg straight up from on my back, if that makes sense? But it's right in the groin area. Also, I notice a slight pain in my glutues area as well, which just recently started. Im wondering if this is normal, being it has only been 4 weeks? It sometimes hurts when I shift that side on the bed as well.

I have done well staying w/ in my precautions, not pass 70%, not turning inward, toe touch weight bearing etc. However, I have become a bit more independent and active as I heel.

Thanks in advance!

Hi Bryan

Congratulations on doing so well after only four weeks!  I tend to agree with you that the pain you have is due to muscles or tendons.

Please give you doctor a call to let him know what is going on with your pain.  It may be that he'll just suggest slowing down a bit.  If you are exercising a lot, he may suggest slowing down just a bit.  

Pain while shifting on the bed is normal and will eventually go away.  You might want to invest in a body pillow from Bed, Bath and Beyond.  The reason I suggested a body pillow is because if you are shifting on the bed, putting a body pillow between your knees (not just a knee pillow, I am suggesting a full body pillow), will prevent you from crossing your legs while you sleep.  You may be doing that crossing unconsciously which may be adding to your pain during the day.

I hope that answers your question.  If not just let me know where you want me to expand.

Best wishes,


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