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very old fractures
9/21 14:21:27
Richard Haynes PTA/CPT - 9/9/2008

Just for some background info, when I was a child my parents were very abusive. I know that I ended up with broken wrists and I am pretty sure my jaw was broken (I had all the symptoms) and probably my nose as well. My question is twofold: 1) would anything show up on an xray 15 years later, and 2) because these injuries were never treated at the time, and still cause me pain and problems, is there any way of treating them now?

Thanks for the question.  If there where fractures with the jaw or wrist an x-ray will show were there is an abundance of calcification build-up where the bones repaired themselves. When our bodies heal fractures it will always produce more bone then what is needed to repair itself and it would clearly show with x-rays.

With the wrists and possibly the jaw arthritis will usually set in as we age if there has been  a traumatic injury to an area which involves joints in our bodies. Movement will be painful at times because of it.

Check with a local orthopedic doctor if the movement or pain become un-bearable. Heat, movement and anti- inflammatory are about the only way to treat arthritis however.

Good Luck
Richard Haynes

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