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shoilder injures
9/21 14:21:23
Joe A Shaw PA-C - 9/19/2008


I recently had arthroscopic surgical repair for a dominant shoulder injury. The diagnoses were: 1. Torn Labrum SLAP Lesion "9 o'clock - 3 o'clock" and 2.fullthickness tear of the supraspinatus tendon (rotator cuff). A subacromial decompression was performed in addition of the tendon and labrum repairs, which were performed using sutures and anchors. I have 2 questions:  1. Which of the two injuries would be considered the more serious of the two, absent the other? 2. I am a firefighter. How long until I'm likely to be released to full duty?  Thanks for your help.

Just based on info, and not actual exam etc..that is a fairly large SLAP tear, and socket (labrum)can effect joint mobility in I would say that is the worse..but really hard to say as everybody is diff and there are many variables.

The full duty depends on what that is for you? officer vs crew etc.. driving/working the pumper vs rescue/toting hose etc.. or if you can come back on limited duty. 4-6 mos. in general..for athletes 6-9 mos.

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