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right hip pain
9/21 14:20:54
Dr. Timothy K. Durnin - 11/2/2008

My right hip has been bothering me for about 1 month. At first it just bothered me when I would cross my right leg over my leg or would try to sit cross legged. I feel a pulling when I do this. I have tried stretching but it doesn't help. Now it is very uncomfotable when I lie on my right side. What type of phusician should I see, and what do you possibly think it is. I am 39 years old and other than this I am helpful except for very stressful times.

Hi Sandee,

It sounds like a TFL or IBS syndrome. It is very common and fairly easy to treat by Chiropractors. Tensor fascia lata or ilio-tibial band syndrome mean the same thing. It is basically overuse of the attachment site of the tendon and muscle that run along the outside of the hip and leg. It is easy to rule in or out by a competent physician in orthopaedics or Chiropractic. The difference in treatment options will tend to be much safer with a D.C. Google it and see if it sounds like you, with the limited info I have, that would be my best guess given your young age.

Dr. Timothy K. Durnin
[email protected]

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