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Hip replacement-putting on sock
9/21 14:20:34
I had right hip replaced 30Sep08, I am 63 played racqball this yr. Incision on hip (not on rump as my brother-in-law had).  Hurts to try to put sock on.  Only way is to place r foot on toilet and lower chest to thigh and stretch (puts me at 90 degree).  M I doing wrong?  PT released me based on strength but not on capabilities. Still have slight limp, but improving.


You are playing a dangerous game putting on your socks in that manner.  Even though you say you are not going over a 90 degree angle, if you are lowering your chest to your upraised knee, my guess is that you are going over a 90 degree angle and putting yourself at risk for dislocation.

If you are in such pain as you describe, you need to talk to your doctor.


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