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hip replacement and pregnancy
9/21 14:16:01
Hi Dr. Sharon,
I am awaiting for a total hip replacement for more than 5 years due to financial constraints. Therefore, I would like to get pregnant. Will I have any problems if getting pregnant and during the pregnancy be called for the surgery?Does age matter? i am more than 30!


You can get pregnant after the surgery but you should make sure you have had enough time to heal.  Pregnancy is hard on the muscles and you may even have to have a C section.  

You have to be sure you do not gain too much weight as gaining over 35 or 40 pounds may cause you some problems with the hips.  You also have to be careful because your center of gravity is different when you are pregnant and you are more likely to fall at times if you are not steady on your feet.

Age does not matter as far as I know in regard to the hips but may put you at a higher risk for OB/GYN matters.

I had to uneventful pregnancies with hip replacements and did fine.


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