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Post-Op Question
9/21 14:15:39
Richard Haynes PTA/CPT - 7/22/2009

I had a right knee arthroscopy done on March 4th of this year. Since my surgery, I've had a hard vein in my leg close to the groin area. From what I've seen in illustrations, I would guess the femoral vein. I don't think it's a clot. I only say that because I read that a symptom of a clot is pain and it looks like the rest of the leg swells up. My leg is just fine. I just have a swollen vein in the said area and it is somewhat sensitive to the touch. It can cause discomfort correspondent to the pressure applied to it. I can also feel a slight discomfort when my leg is in certain positions, for instance, if I hold my leg out straight I can feel it. Is it potentially harmful? Please let me know your opinion and what I should do. Thank you so much for your time.


I do not think its harmful. I do not believe its related to your knee arthroscopy.

I would however if the pain continues to have your General Practitioner take a look at it just for peace of mind on your part.

Its tough to say what caused it but again I do not feel its something that needs immediate attention.

Richard Haynes
Punta Gorda, Florida.

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