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Bone hurts
9/21 14:15:37
Richard Haynes PTA/CPT - 8/3/2009

Thank you for taking the time to answer my question.
I am beginner and when I was doing Ice skating 10 days ago I fell on my butts directly with my 2 legs up in the air.
The end of the bone between my butts got hurt.  After that I am able to walk and stand without any problem.  
But if I sit or get up from the chair that bone hurts.  The severity of this pain is decreasing gradually.
Do I need to wait for few more days to heal completely or should I consult doctor immediately for this?

Hi Mahesh,

The bone you are talking about is your sacrum otherwise known as your tailbone.
I would wait for a few more days to see what happens. You may have just bruised it what it sounds like to me if it were broken, the pain would linger longer and sitting would almost be impossible.
We generally have to issue patients that have broken the bone what is called a donut to sit on where the sacrum or tailbone fits neatly over a hole so no pressure is applied to the area when they sit.

if the bone is broken really nothing generally is done but for the patient to wait until its healed.
let me know if I can be of any further assistance.

Richard Haynes PTA/CPT
Punta Gorda, Florida.

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